Sunday, December 19, 2010
Some time later
BTW my nephew living with us is now 6 weeks old. He is the same age as my new eyeball, give or take a week. I hope to use him as my model sometime. He is as yet not too entertaining, though i get the rare huge grin just for me that makes my day.
Sculpturally speeking i been informed i got a tender i went for, tho no paperwork yet so i won't go into details. its 3 busts of old poets. Reckon i was the absolute cheapest tender... couldn't see i needed to get paid more than that so thats what i put. starting to think i maybe should have allowed more for foundry in case i decided to get extravagant, but i will just have to work in the confines of the usual bust idea then instead. Should be fun, and a good learnin opp. Doing people's heads is difficult but without the bodies it should be quite a fast thing i hope.
anyway my newest project before starting the real project, is to make real bust armatures, something i've dodged for all these years by making every head off some aluminium bent creation i found in a rubbish bin at art school 20+ years ago. its not ideal, its crooked, and it has bits that always stick out the neck. but it was free, light, tough, and never rust. i'm gonna make some real ones now though as per Lanteri's book. I bought some armature wire at vast expense from the sculpt shop and i found some excellent big bits of ply in a bin at the studio. all i need now is some 5cm x 5cm length of wood for the neck bit and i got all my ingredients. How exciting.
Today braved the pre-xmas at ikea. silly thing to do, but we made it. with my 6 week old nephew, even. mention this cos i got an apron there for sculpting that's exactly like the one Henry Moore was wearing on the cover of a book i've got about him. That for extra inspiration :)
Saturday, October 30, 2010
Post op
Once the new eye started to be ok to look thru, my brain rapidly decided to jump ship on the old eye and ran over to the left eye n settle there cos it's now sharper than my 'good' old eye. That's loyalty for ya innit. But then that meant my right eye was not bothering to focus anymore which sucked cos I ended up closing that one instead of closing the operated one and that confused the beejezuz out of me and everybody who usually talks to me. I'm hoping my brain will sort it's shit out soon and I'll get to use both eyes. Today they're not too bad actually I have hope. Still got 2 weeks off work to go so in 2 weeks I hope things have got sorted.
Been sleeping heaps for the past week mainly cos my eyes hurt I spose but also just getting over work. Miss my studio. Apparently I'm ok to drive now but don't feel quite like doing it yet. Maybe tomorrow I'll go over to the studio.
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Poor doggie
Anyway enuff o that. Tonight I rode my big 7-fiddy over to store it in my studio. After much swearing I got it started and had a lovely ride over there in the evening light. Surprising I could see pretty good, tho when mum drove me home in darkness after I couldn't see nuthin. Meh. Anyway got to the studio n a marvel of timing I arrived during a massive movement of very very large sculpture. There was a car sculpture, a 9 ft high block of concrete, and a few extremely large maybe 8 ft high n 6 wide steel fabrications, all totally blocking my passage into my studio. U never known timing like that. Spectacular. Farkinell. Anyway things looking bad but I ended up getting passage thru someone elses studio so it worked out. Amazing tho, itwas the one evening that things were utterly impassable n of course that's when I choose to turn up.. It's a family trait, donchaknow.
So.... I pushed it up a ramp, backed it in 3 times til I got it in the studio, lowered a rolladoor, locked it with a string of electrical cable, n locked 2 unfamiliar gates in complete darkness...all while holding my phone to one ear. Now that's a motorcyclist! Heh. I Have got skillz.
Monday, October 11, 2010
Apres show der monkey
Not missing the hard yakka in studio. Am missing having a reason to live though. Have transformed the stinging goal of making art into a pining lust for a fellow office worker in my building. That will have to do til i need to transmute it back into art fuel. Its gotta go somewhere, don't it. And a change of scenery is good.
Went & cleaned up the studio. 2 hours of sweeping & moving bits around. Now the large studio is a vast expanse of uselessness, seems like. But will have a friend come use it now for a few weeks, so its good its big, cos if i wanna do something too its best have enough room eh.
My bro in law put up the fluoro's properly, so now they don't hang 2 ft below the ceiling. I couldn't get em up any higher using a shopping trolley & milk crates, tho i finally clicked how it could be done the other day, and he did it that way & it was mucho easy. (Hooks! Not tying with string.) Much better in there now with the lights higher & the room looks much more inviting.
Think i'll be moving my stuff out of storage now & into there. That'll save some bucks. And i'll have a sofa to sit on...
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
shows over
But... The Coolest thing happened today, the gallery people told me, that Google Earth "did" the gallery, and went right thru the show. Being the geek i half am, that is totally awesome. So in 3 or 4 months my show will be viewable in Google Freakin Earth. Bugger me, is that not flippin amazin.
Saturday, September 25, 2010
post show
Its a week after the opening & i feel much better. I've had some sitting about time, not too much, but feels really good. Only working one full time job is quite OK. Wouldn't it be nice if you could do one full time job that you really *wanted* to do. Heh. How damn relaxing would that be!
Sunday, September 12, 2010
Getting there
One positive thing happened today.. I discovered is that I have a huge bruisy lump on my foot, which is way cool cos I thought it was gout again.
Have buggered my right hand from overuse so I'm calling it mostly done.
There's 2 more castings i could easily finish if i had 2 functioning hands but, what the hell. Reckon I got a bunch of stuff, should be ok. Just a bit more colour touch ups on a couple, n we're done.
As usual have lowered my expectations to suit the product I'm able to produce.. Well u got to.. But even then was pleasantly surprised with some of em.
Monday, September 6, 2010
One week
Can't wait till it's all over. Damn I could use a year off..
Sunday, August 22, 2010
survived another one
anyway it was good, i made everybody laugh with my speech and it was nice & short again. Eh, and they liked the sculpture. I can see all the faults but i done my absolute best, couldn't do any better, thats all you can try to do.
thanks to my sis for dressing me i looked better than usual. better than i deserved probably lol.
Sunday, August 15, 2010
New project
Though these things have a history of not working out, generally, these ppl seem very professional.. Maybe they can push it thru.
Saturday, August 14, 2010
Diminishing returns
Have some ideas tho.. Especially some suggestions from people. Just seem to be a bit tired to make things. Is ok.. U can't got at that speed for too long i guess.
Need a wisdom tooth pulled. And hey it's just starting to hurt tonight. Be a bit unlucky if it caused me conniptions at the next weeks unveiling eh. The timing is umpeccable.
Monday, August 9, 2010
End of a vein
Sunday, August 8, 2010
David Attenborough.
The boring crested grebe wears it's plumage with pride. It's gibbering cries make the hairs on the back of your neck stand up, but only the beta males understand what its calls mean, or at least they pretend to.
(Cut to long slow sweeping shot of bony carcasses half dug into mudflats)
Out here it's survival of the fittest. However, the fittest of this genus is not necessarily strong, nor clever.. It's a different meaning of the word "fittest" and not as we know it Jim.
Bit of success
But i put my mind to it & with the help of the shonky studio trolley (a trolley so shonky that nobody admits it exists, even) and 2 pieces of wood on it for height leverage, and the spectacularly timely intervention of the man upstairs who is a bit like the lone ranger, in that he appears, moves like 20 bags of clay for ya & then disappears.... this time he appeared just as i got it stuck in the first doorway, dislodged it for me, then disappeared... the life sized man did get moved to the new studio.
There is nothing you need more in a sculpture studio than an assortment of wood blocks and planks. You can't rely on the man upstairs, but your blocks of wood will save your ass.
Friday, August 6, 2010
Times passed and oceans have eroded the coastline etc. The other day I delivered a handful o waxes to the stainless steel casters and a huge mound to the bronze foundry. 6 and 14, tho with repeats and one that won't be in the show it totals at 16. Already have 2 finished bronzes and 2 unfinished bronzes that qualify. So a grand total 20 so far. I feel like a good number for the show is like maybe 30, and so that's my goal.
Bin sick a week and didn't do anything for almost that whole time. Bit of a setback, tho the foundry's gifted me an extra week, so it's even.. Hm I have a week to make 10 sculptures. Well why not. Or else find some old ones round the house, but that's a last resort. Mum sez it may take me longer to find 10 sculptures than make them. I guess she means I'd be picky, tho she may also mean I'm incredibly untidy, but since I'm both..
Moved studio, almost finished, bloody hell what a load of stuff, I really didn't think there was much in there... But there was.
The only thing that didn't move is the life sized man. I thought he'd be easy, just roll him out, but he is too tall to fit thru the door! And requires some thought.
Sunday, July 25, 2010
Shark car
Have the first set of finished detailed waxes ready to take to the foundry. I wanna use 2 foundries, cos i want to do some stainless steel as well as bronze. Not ready yet with the stainless waxes, i been making a mould off one sculpture & i'll pop a set of those out to cast in stainless.
Anyway i'll book a day off work when i get 2 foundries worth o' stuff & deliver them out there. Now thats a PLAN.
Todays sculptures:
One footballer reinvigorated from an old sculpture found in a box
Detailed lots of em
Drawing of a monkey
Friday, July 23, 2010
Managers managers
tonight i made one businessman bending over giving a brown eye and called it "business presentation". That could be taking it all a bit far, perhaps. Its a bit too honest. We certainly can't have stuff thats too honest in a show about managers. I'd get sacked, for a start. The wider range of metaphorical escapades could be mistaken for social commentary about the whole world of business/family/humanity/the universality of lost dreams & hopes/pitiful human condition in the 1st world/pursuit of happiness lifelong detour, etc, .....but sledgehammer stuff like that is not very... um... sofistikated.
Still, it was interesting making the dude cos he's pretty twisted up & has his head upside down & that. I'm behind one sculpture in the grand plan but i guess it was a good exercise.
Anyway it could be that the manager theme is already getting towards exhausting itself. Once it bitters up like that u may as well get fresh onto a new theme. Its all fine cos a sprinkle of small themes in this show will be orright.
Todays sculpture:
Business Presentation
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Working for show
It's got no relation to anything I done before, really, feels kinda fresh. Hopefully it'll stay inspiring. Think it's mostly coming from real people and real impressions from work, so that's a good way to keep it feeling fresh.
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
New week
Feel much happier since last night. Maybe my depression last week was cos someone was using my studio n encroaching on my personal space... It's silly enough to be true. Not that I mind the foundry guys they are lovely people. But yeah I do have a thing with my personal studio space I think... Does it matter, nah probly not. I'll make a note tho :)
Another cool thing.. Have more time than I thought to get stuff cast. So that too make me happier. I thought it needed 8 weeks in the foundry but if they get it in wax ready to go it's 4. Or 2 if you catch the right part of the casting cycle. Awesome. Already did some angel like sculptures last night. It's a start anyway. Angels seem to be some kind of trend at the moment but I'm gonna do it anyway, cos wings are cool. There will always be the problem that anatomically speaking wings AND arms on one creature is just total BS, but there's the challenge, to make it seem like it works.
Have been offered a half time position at work and I think I have to jump at it. My health sucks sitting in front of pc all day and if nothing else thats plenty good reason to do it. Anyway that's still a secret because the big boss is away on hols so nothings gonna happen for a week as far as informing anybody goes. 6 month secondment first so see how I cope with much less income... And a more expensive studio lol. Timing.
Bit of a shame tho as I'm getting rather good at my job now. I can just stroll out and create a new computer lab solo now and not even bother anybody except with maybe double checking I've created every idiotic group and group policy in active directory as the overriding trait with MS AD n SCCM n every other stupid MS server product is that there's 1000 seemingly unconnected irrelevancies u need to adjust to get anything to work. And make sure the policies are reversed , but reversed correctly, not that u can actually tell by looking, mind you, but reversed so they work in the right order. FFS it's like they did that shit deliberately. I won't miss that, actually.
Saturday, July 3, 2010
Ta goodness
Went to a garage sale briefly n got an array of boxes of pencils, old drafting materials n stuff. Doing lot of drawing lately, using some china graph pencils cos thsts all there was in the pencil dept of the newsagent at work. I got a nice blue one and I like using them. Got two boxes of em at the garage sale. Mostly brown and green. Also some Luna pencils n some Ruwe pencils. Dunno what they're good for, yet.
Then my cap off the week flat tyre on the bike, got that sorted n tried to do some sculpture in the studio. Not going very well but hope I'm just still warming up. Having a deadline for which u need to pump out creativity is about the most crap thing imaginable.. but u get that.
Have decided to move to the newly empty studio next door. From the inside it looks twice as big, tho it's in reality 1.5 times. It's a much nicer one it's not long n skinny like my place, more square n comfy feeling.
That'll be good. A course I've just finished all the big work I got in foreseeable future, but if get any more, ill be ready.
Thursday, July 1, 2010
More boring stuff
One of my mates may not be leaving work. He can't decide. So I feel slightly better. But one needs to be independent, so even the fact that this makes me feel better, gives me the shits. I got the gout comin on too, I ate some mandarines last week. Its the bit of my left foot where the gear change is for the bike. Being car free for the moment, that'll suck.
Customers r shitting me too... Deleted all my phone messages this morn cos could not stand to listen to well known fuckwit unravel his tiny mindlet .. I refused to flatten out the folds of my brain comprehending his rubbish. I saw his number on the display, and the sound of his voice would have meant I be takin tomorrow off on mental health grounds.
Coming down
But what really brings me down is i guess the following 3 things...
- all my friends are leaving work & i won't have anybody there to talk to by september
- in a couple weeks it'll be a year since dad died
- i just finished the big sculpture & i'm burned out
So yeah i guess i got some stuff to be down about. but got to try to snap out of it. Its so damn cold though. there was ice on my windscreen this morning. Crikey.
Sunday, June 27, 2010
Finished him
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Updating webshite
Eventually I found the web hosting has a file management tool so I did it thru that. Wouldn't want to do much thru that though it's a pain doing 1 file at a time.
So yes it's never easy to update the website. For stupid reasons, usually. But that, and other niggles like how using Highslide JS (that makes yr photos pop out nicely) is fully annoying hacking the code each time just to add a photo, well that's why I thought I might like to run it with a CMS. So i can just click 5 times to add some pictures and crap, eh. Anyway reckon I won't, cos I don't need all that bumpf, but i might use something like ZenPhoto, which does a nice gallery thing. With the opportunity to add like bloggy things there too. That's about all I want. Using a real blog like Ben does, awesome as it is, is not really that good for me, cos I don't have much to say about each sculpture, usually. I like little words to go with my pics. I can't really say much about how they're made, cos mostly they are all made the same way.
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Anyway after having the shits with the sculpture yesterday, I did a couple hours this evening on it, I got the angle grinder on it and made big dust storm. Squared off some muscles, cut the bigger looking arm right down, cut some clothing wrinkles in. It's improved.
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Not happy
Could not wait to leave work, got to studio at 4.02pm.
Unfortunately I think my big weekend took a toll and then the shitty day at work just finished me off. Went home a couple hrs later thinking the sculpture is absolute rubbish and unrecoverable. Woe.
Not happy :(
Have been looking at old photos, and I think it's been over-worked now. It's too smooth and too finished. Each body part has become separated, it's not one sculpture anymore, it's a bunch of body parts tied together. As well the anatomy and wrinkles have become too rounded and pretty when it should be notated, squared and precise but look messy like handwriting. Or something. They like em a bit smooth you know, but this is where I call artistic interpretation and whip it off to the foundry when nobody's looking.
It's gonna be hard to cut it back, I'm gonna need power tools. Much dust.
Monday, June 14, 2010
Too smooth too rough... i need two heads
The studio is littered with heads now. I think there is like 5 or so. But the one going on is the one moulded off the clay as discussed earlier... the mould weren't too excellent cos the one drop of thixo i put in the rubber to thicken it just made it solidify like f***, much like when i put in 10mls of it. That was a bit disappointing, it was not wanting to go quite into the eye sockets & stuff, but in spite of a few bubbles it come out ok.
With the rest of him, I've somehow smoothed him out all over, which isn't good really, cos now he's too smooth. Before, he was too rough. You cannae win this fight very easily. But i did bring the big gun to the studio today, the electric die grinder. The mofo in the cupboard, that is. When i start that baby up, its all over, red rover. Whatever i want to eliminate is annihilated pretty much as if it never was. Of course u need to direct that kind of power responsibly.
Early queens birthday monday
It's come time I think to make a list of all the broken bits of the sculpture and just go thru the list one at a time. Or at least it will be once I get the head on there. That's a big task...
So head first, then I make a list n work thru it every evening after work this week. Next Monday the foundry guys come to mould him in rubber n i guess I get a weekend in there but that is literally the last second... Think I'd rather tick things off each day and goodness me I might even get a moment off on the weekend to try to find a new car. My old car will run out of rego on the 30th n it's not gonna pass again. I think I'd like a van. Dunno, to tell the truth any vehicle will do if I don't have a large commission on the horizon. Any bubble car can carry bags of plaster. Long lengths of steel maybe not but I can ask them to cut em shorter. So ... Any car... Any car that'll carry stuff, and they all carry stuff. This probably requires more than an hour of weekend to choose.
Saturday, June 12, 2010
New post..
Anyway.. What I was gonna pop on the end of that post was that the drawings I been doing actually suck, cos I tend to do em without bothering to hold the sketch pad straight. So they all angled and stretched out when u look at em. You got to look at them from the same angle as I made them, for them to look like a decent drawing. How freaking stupid.... Sometimes it feels like I don't need extra problems, I can make plenty trouble up for myself. :P
Anyway I got the back, trunk, arms, some parts of the legs. Got them so i can quickly make a drawing out of the muscles. Don't have the arse sorted yet. Arse is difficult for some reason. I think there's some complicated stuff going on there when the pelvis and the torso and the legs all get twisted about. Hmm it's another challenge innit. Those muscles that come down the sides of the stomach are intriguing. (Is it possible to be geeky about muscles???) They give the profile of the lower torso really. How do they work...
Regards the head thing, the people came to see the progress, and they liked the clay head. It's had the surface ripped off it when the rubber mould come off it, but that somehow did give it a good useful surface texture. They like it better than the detailed one that come out of the mould. I agree though. So just some quick repairs to the clay head and I'm making another mould off it.
I'm 2 days into a 4 day weekend and not much has changed.. Scary. Got to get up and get on. My intention was to finish it this weekend, though I do have next weekend too. The Monday after that, the very next day, the foundry starts moulding. It's gonna happen in my studio cos the armature is groaning and flexing and getting some cracks in the plaster. Bit of a worry but if I can just get it finished without it falling to bits.. Fingers crossed.
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Another long day
I was pleasantly surprised with the whole back actually, when i accidentally walked round the back (i'm a professional sculptor though, really), and saw it's come good, I reckon. With the big footy number on it - love doing the numbers. It's all getting there. The head, maybe not quite there yet, but I did make one in clay n moulded it. I popped out a facsimile today but after a bit of a look I realize the mould were not set right n his nose got shortened n one eye was like sunken, and generally twas buggered. I poured another one n hope that one worked. See tomorrow when I pop it out of the mould.
Times a passin
I tackled the head the other day. Sunday. Out of quite a long day I think i was standing there about 6 hours straight just flogging at this clay head. It didn't want to do anything useful for me but i beat it into submission by sheer force of will. If you put in the hours, many of em, it must get there. I had a sore left leg all night so i guess i had a left leaning sorta day. LOL. Otherwise it was unpolitical.
Days pass slower too when u live alone. I like it, but maybe just cos i'm not at home much, and if i was home all evening i might get depressed. But if that were the case then i'd go to the studio & make something, wouldn't i. Like i'm doing now. Or i'd sit about getting depressed. Nah i'd like to think i'd go to the studio. I think everybody should have a studio.
I would like to do more heads. Would like to get a model, but only if i can get one who'd be unoffended by my failure to make it look much like them. Though if they could sit there 6 hrs, maybe it might get there. I'd have to drug them i guess. There's a guy at work with a fantastic head, and he quite likes my sculptures, so maybe he'd be willing, but i should practice first before i ask him, cos i don't wanna waste that great head by maybe doing a substandard job. Gee listen to me. LOL i think i have a problem, Houston, my brain is stranded out there in the art nebula.
Speaking of f***ed up interpersonal relations.. not that we were.. i thought i'd ask this dude at work out for coffee.. i didn't have any ulterior motive particularly except that he does interesting things out of work time so i thought he might be good to get to know a bit better. I love to find people who have a life, u know. Cos u can always learn something from a fanatic ha ha. Anyway i think i scared him off. He's gone all weird. Damn shame, guess i mucked that up. It shouldn't have been that big a deal. I guess i creeped him out. Or something. I dunno. Maybe its the politics. I don't have any, but other people might. Think too much, not good for anybody.
Been downloading old Life episodes, season 2, of which i never caught any episodes. 'They probably never showed it here' would be a cynical thing to say. Weird zen dude with a past solves murders. They got to have an angle these days, simple alcoholic self hatred doesn't cut it for a detective anymore. I watch an episode whenever i need a lunchbreak in the studio. Having OSX on the little Dell min 10v is awesome. Its better than Win Xp in so many ways, but one important one is that the sound can crank to at least double the volume it used to, so i can actually hear the show even in a noisy studio environ :)
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Side torso
Its not the chippin & filin really, its Deciding that u need to reverse an area, thats the hard work part.
I'm stronger now from all this hard work (not deciding, but rather filin) & i can carry a 20kg bag o plaster from the car into the studio without feeling anything, 2 weeks ago it was a back straining experience. Cool huh.
Speakin of studio, the studio is really quite well insulated downstairs (i don't understand why, cos i was expecting to freeze) & its not cold. Its amazing. We also were cool in summer down there. The poor painter types upstairs - heh - they are freezing their butts right off now, and they suffered horribly in the heat in summer. Downstairs, we may feel ignored and shunned, but actually - we rock :) We have climate control u wouldn't believe. And guess what - nobody's telling em upstairs hee hee.
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
More thigh
Being at home alone has been good. I been able to work late as i want in the studio & not think about anything much. I don't eat much but work hard. I guess this is good, i feel good so there u go. Taking my vitamins & eating healthy stuff. The house is a tip, i have stuff everywhere, but i can find everything which is unusual. The constant rain over the past few weeks means i've worked out how & where to hang my various items of clothing so that each has the ideal drying position based on its shape & material. Jeans dry when hung upside down off a clip hanger attached to a belt tied to the top of the stairs. Very funny eh. Its all working well though.
The sculpture's been a bit of a wildly swinging pendulum, some days i dread going in there, cos its so wrong. But then i just force myself to go in there & hammer at it till i can't go on, like 8 or 10 hrs, & every evening when i can lift my head i go there from work. Somehow this effort is getting it there. Thats always the way. Put in the hours & u get there.
Tonight i got one thigh sorted. What a massive relief it is to just get one bit right. I have to admit i thought i had it right before. But you just move one thing, & then, well,. you got to move everything else to fit that, don't ya. Thats why i redo everything every time.
Saturday, May 22, 2010
An auction
I had committed myself in my mind to staying in my irritating job for the rest of eternity to pay it off. Thats a huge step. I was ready. But there were 100 people there & it went for about 740K, a number that my wildest nightmares wouldn't provoke, yet here was reality (or what passes for it in sydney real estate). Sigh. The goon had been saying 550-590.... you don't even add 100K to that shite anymore do ya.
But you know, as every loser in creation has ever repeated ad pukeum: it was a good experience, i'm glad i tried, i learned something. Bleah.
Anyway... i bought a rocking chair up the street at a garage sale, so the trip was not entirely wasted.
I'm alone at home now for a month. I started out well, i went shopping & made a lovely big stirfry that will last two days. Healthy. Nutritious. A good start that will probably deteriorate to 2 minute noodles spiced with frozen peas by the end of week 1... but like if u don't START good then you're quitting before u begin.
Thursday, May 20, 2010
A visit from the studio cat
I'm pretty well realising my new surform is a load of shite. What a shame. I took one back already cos a piece broke off it in 3 strokes. Now this second one has only about half as many teeth that are sharp as what its meant to have. Its just about uncontrollable. U dunno what you gonna get when u run that over something. It'll either do nothing, or gouge a stonking great rip in it, and anything in between based on what bit is in contact, its all different all over the place in either the x or y axis if u get my drift.
F*** it - whatever happened to quality control? I got the EXACT same one 2 years ago & its still working, if slightly blunter. I only got this one cos i wanted to have a spare. Was that hubris? Was i asking too much of the universe? I need to find someone who sells the Stanley version & not this shitty brand - which i would mention the name of in order to blacken its rep, but i've forgotten it. They're yellow n black, anyway.
Hmm i just re-read that & it seems a little heated for a simple tool review. But its a really important tool ok!!! And you know i don't have a life. The camera man asked me yesterday how did i do a FT job & the sculpture & i said i just don't have a life. None, nothing at all. So a SURFORM is really important, man, ok! LOL
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Tv tv
He told me what was wrong with the arms & that. He said he wouldn't really move like that, which is fairinuff, cos he'd know. But then he looked at the little maquette & he said that was fine. So the problem was in how i'd interpreted that & we worked out what that was. One arm was pointing in the wrong direction. Typical i had made such a damn complicated pose that i couldn't understand it myself. But like hey whats the point of doing something easy.
I told him stories of Egyptian travels while we sat around waiting for the tv guys. There is one thing you can get from a nightmare trip like going to egypt, & that is spellbinding stories of horror. Heh.
The tv crew & presenter turned up to do a piece on the making of. I hadn't get enough notice to get my hair cut or even get the studio trackie dacks laundered. So i kept on my street clothes for the tv stuff. It went quite well i talked good & they asked good questions so it was easy. The only problem is that i'm in it, but then so's the subject & he's cool. Luckily the head of the sculpture comes off & on, & that novelty's probably going to be a feature of the film.
They're gonna film at the foundry too & all that later & then show it on the day of the unveiling, on telly. The cameraman knew my sculptures already & he liked em :) How cool is that.
Anyway... i been working very hard on this sculpture lately. Bin a while since i blogged but i been flogging the work pretty hard. Its about half way there. the socks are good. The head looks like the dude on one side & not on the other. But thats pretty good cos usually it doesn't work till about version #3. This guy's got an easy head! About time i got one like that :)
Sunday, May 9, 2010
An inch or 3 off all over
I had printed up a ton of photos of my subject in his prime & blutacked them up. Yes i HAD looked at em earlier, but since then i'd been studying the photos i took of him when i met him a few weeks ago. I was kinda dismayed to see that he had been hella skinny in his playing days, not so much the muscular hunk i was making, sadly. Bloody hell thats annoying. I had met the guy, and he seemed very fit & gorgeous. Now i find out he was fitter and much skinnier (tho still gorgeous).
Oh dear it'll be an inch or 3 off all over now, i guess. Oy... :(
Mum sez, i should never meet them til i finish. Feel she is right. There must be a great advantage to seeing them, but so far its not really been the case with the sculptures... that its not done much more than confuse me. Not what i'd expect. I guess what i'm making is someone from history not reality. So seeing the reality is gonna be like red herring.
Enjoyed my ride home. Bike is lovely. So high up.. its quite a surprise when i can hardly reach the ground at the stop lights. But when i'm sailing along all high up its almost like flying. And then standing up is cool too. Likely to fall on my nose doing that but its great fun.
Then when i got home i need to do the shopping. I drove my car out & it was rammed home instantly how dreadful that car is. There's nothing like 2 days riding on good suspension to make u realise that the characteristic entertaining wibble your car does is actually worn out shocks with flat tyres wallowing under the hideous dead weight of a huge rusted steel shell and its totally rooted & yer lucky yr wheels don't fall off.
Saturday, May 8, 2010
Babysitting & Biking
There is a retarded teenage kid who hangs around the bike shop lately. He's very nice & likes to help. Its a real worry. He's so helpful he had somebody ride their bike up onto the bike platform & he clamped it in with the handle, when nobody else was out the back. He did a nice job of clamping it but nobody rides up onto the platform on their 20K motorbike, its oily & slippery steel. They always push em up by hand. And he only wanted a pink slip anyway he wasn't needing any work done on it. It make yer blood run cold what could happen if this rider slipped in some oil & it all went down off the platform. If the rider survived to blame somebody, who's fault is that? Its one of them things, where by being nice to someone, the whole bike shop could get its ass sued right off it. It is a difficult thing. Its kinda like babysitting - kids are hard work.
It turn out my new bike is quite impressive to people who know about such things. I knew the previous owner had loved it & kept it immaculate & added a few things but apparently it don't get any better than what he's done to it. I can't take any credit for it of course, but its way cool to know its so awesome. And it is awesome, with the trailwings on it & the knobbys off it, it rides tons better on the road. It was like riding on blobs before, which it was. Now its like riding on real tyres. Cool.
I rode to the studio & carefully parked it at the front door behind the trees. I thought that was nicely outta the way.
I did sweet FA on the sculpture, i got sucked into a discussion about art in the next door studio & hours passed, my cup of tea got ice cold, and darkness began to fall. I started to realise there was a party happening upstairs too. Lots of little kids were coming down & i was having to chase em all out of my studio cos they kept going in to find things & empty my buckets etc. One little girl come up & asked me, she wanted to play with wax like before, she said. I fobbed her off by saying i put all my wax away cos i was using plaster now. Them kids are cute n all but i needed to get some work done & they really suck away your life force in that situation. And there was so many of em i could see my whole studio overrun within moments. All them little kids look the same to me really but obviously i met this one before. I'll probably recognize her next time... i'm not a complete freak, i hope.
I guess this is another situation of babysitting being hard work & there being more to it than just letting them do what they wanna.
I gradually came to realise my motorbike was now parked in the absolute middle of a party with BBQ, tables of food, loud pumping music, DJ, decorations, @40 children & many adults. Geez. I was gonna have to ride thru a frikkin party to escape...
Luckily the bike is awesome & i actually can ride, & regardless of how crap i may be, at least i been doing it for 20 years. So i didn't embarrass myself by falling off it or crashing into the BBQ as i rode thru the party & slipped thru a 6 inch gap between the BBQ & a stack of pallets. The little girl wanted a ride. I asked her if she had a hat cos she couldn't ride without a hat.
I'm getting good at fobbin this kid off..... LOL.
It was a good day of talking to people, if totally unproductive. Tomorrow i start EARLY & get loads done. Time's short.
Sunday, May 2, 2010
New bloke
I did this one different to usual, i used about 8 cans of expanding foam to build up a figure on an armature. I made the steel armature based on the little twiggy figure i made out of kebab stix, then i liquid nailed some polystyrene sheet pieces on to fatten it up a bit & give something for the expanding foam to stick onto. Then i built him out of puffy foam. Cool huh. I can't make dust in the studio so i set to make him out of foam, then. 99% foam with a thin coating of something on top. I seem to have gone with plaster for the thin coating & i'm happy with that.
I thought the foam might be a bit expensive to blow thru, but its 15 bucks a can & i'm sure i go thru at least 7 bags of plaster per figure at about 17 a bag... hmm yeah so well it is more expensive maybe, if i use the spare can i still got... but its much EASIER to use, OK... saves loads of time too. Just got to be patient enough to get it all carved & sorted out dead right before adding the skin of plaster, else the skin of plaster is gonna be inches thick & you'll have to cut bits off etc, & all in all, a pain in the butt.
Reckon i had a pile of puffy offcuts about the size of a shetland pony on the ground & that classily & transparently segways into the next sculpture which will be a horse made out of puffy foam. Yes i really like puffy foam. Well i did, till some bloody studio denizen tell me its horrifically toxic. Blah. Its not affected me yet 'tall.
Monday, April 19, 2010
Hoppin to the Berra
1) There is nothing like trying to drive at night in an unknown place to show u just how bad u need that eye operation.
2) ..... bugger... I can’t remember the rest. I think there were 3 main points. Hm. Maybe they will come to me next time i'm thataway, & i might even WRITE EM DOWN.
Then i spent the weekend in the studio & worked on the life sized armature welding. I made a little stick version this time, out of those very handy kebab skewers (A new studio staple - is there nothing they can't do???). I put the maquette on the desk & got the angles right in the kebab stix held together with little blobs of wax, next to it. Then i made the life sized using my own measurements for arms & legs & that, and the angles off the kebab armature & there u bloody well go. I found this a really good way to do it & i think i got the armature pretty much sorted right out. I did waste a lot of time watching Bones on a laptop tho & also got visitors both days. But i like visitors & i like Bones so well its all a matter of self discipline, which of i ain't got none. Still, did get some progress, certainly. If it weren't a rush job again i'd be very pleased with how far i got. Its just the way it is when they pay u to do stuff i guess.
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Proposed Presentation
The life sized man tho well its progress has been stopped completely while i got ready for this other thing & perhaps that is a bad thing. Anyway i'm still stumped at how on earth i'm gonna make it in this new studio, like out of what material. I'm almost even falling into the idea of plasticene. i really hate the lack of fightback it has & i see many horrible sculptures from it. But it doesn't need to have the last word does it. After all its up to me to beat it into submission.
Anway i won't be taking a lovely little holiday in the capital i will be coming more or less back the next day & get back to work on life sized dude.
Am really thinking my days in my real waged job are coming to a close. i realised today that used to enjoy the job a bit, it had its moments & was generally good. But i struggle to remember when i had fun at work last or hell even did anything slightly interesting. I feel like i have forgotten how to learn new things as when i need to, it is usually under great stress & u never learn anything properly under great stress do ya. Not when u have other stresses waiting on ya too. So get a clue fast, make a guess, hack it together & u may never even know what happened but you're already hacking something else so no time to think.
Not good, not sustainable either. The Xmas rush sucked severely but we thought we'd get a rest later. Not gonna though eh. It never ends, there is always some asshole causing trouble.
Saturday, April 3, 2010
New one starting
Then painted it in french blue cos i got a tin of that & its a way cool colour to cover rust & bare steel.
Tomorrow i'm going to actually make the armature of the actual figure. So all that preamble was just getting started really. Hm.
Sadly the amount of toxic smoke & dust i managed to manufacture in that airtight room from a simple bit of grinding & welding makes me think doing plaster work in here is a bad bad idea. Kinda sad about that.
I'm negotiating for a larger studio, which would be great. Doing one thing at a time is ok in here but if i want to do wax & clay modelling as well, then there ain't enough room really. I don't think the dust thing is gonna be any easier tho in a bigger room, there's still not much air.
Sunday, March 28, 2010
Make mag has a lot to answer for
And that dark side showed itself lately round the traps. Picture an art show...
Item #1: a 44 gallon drum.
Item #2: a fucked-in-sorrow feedback loop amplified to tooth-drilling volume.
Item #3: some corn flour in water.
Yes you guessed it... they did that science experiment that is so well known that they prolly do it in primary school. And have a flamin guess. They called it Art. FFS.
And yes it was switched on ALL FUCKING DAY while i was trying to work in my studio.
And what is saddest of saddery, it didn't actually make the cornflour do anything. So it didn't even Work.
Please, get a 3rd grade kid in to do it right. And realise that if u found it on the internet on You Tube, then so can everybody else. And its not art unless there's a FLAMIN POINT TO IT.
Unless the point was to annoy the living fuck out of everybody in earshot. Hell, they should put it in the Archibald.
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Sex & the sculpture
Anyway it has worn off already, like a 12 hr virus. But it was way cool that i took that energy & went to the studio after work & did some sculpture & put on some music & worked very hard & humming along to the mp3z & made some work. Generally if u need an energy boost & help to concentrate then a bit of infatuation will do it for ya. I must admit to not being stirred by anybody in flamin ages i spose i just been working too hard for too long to care about anything much, but a couple of slower days at work & there you go the mind starts to wander.
The Arts work better with sex involved, generally. Like where would rock n roll be if the blokes in their codpieces & mascara weren't trying to get laid? Like where would any artistic endeavour come from if not originally to attract attention? With rock n roll it even works LOL.
Heh... sculpture... pfft. Maybe i'll choose better in the next life or summink.
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
A charming interlude
Sunday, March 7, 2010
A productive weekend
But this weekend i was a real artist! I did some waxing & some plaster. Even though i had to run into work briefly & had a visit from a friend with 2 insane children, i still managed it! I made a footballer, a speed skater & a dragonesque bunyip out of wax. Then i made a large head out of plaster. Dunno if thats gonna work out but its kinda cool to make something that big. Are details still details if they are really BIG?
Been doing wax work in the studio. I went in 8am both days. I never been able to work on wax before in the morning but cos its quiet there then, its been coming along sweet. Using the rice cooker to melt wax is a new way too, its faster to get started than using a hot water bottle to soften the wax. So now i have a better System.
Monday, March 1, 2010
Bin a while
We just have to push on & its too late to say management fucked us over totally by lumbering us with this stuff to do or that we should have fought back cos it couldn't be done. Now we just got to keep hacking at it til it dies or we do. Like chewing like hell what management have bit off for ya. Sure along the way we will all get RSI & respiritry infections & rashes & our homelife will suffer greatly marriages break up kids start takin drugs pets starve.
And for what. Well yeah don't go there oK.
Saturday, February 13, 2010
too much moaning
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
A fart at dawn
Been researchin this Frink dame (yep she was a Dame in actual fact). Found a great book in the library her catalog raisonne whch has nothing to do with breakfast cereal but has loads of pictures of her work in it & some words about it all including from herself. She had a way fascinating childhood, for e.g. bein a teen at the end of the war & bombers on fire crashing about the place, & a great life with loads of acclaim & like 3 husbands or summink. Like, how cool would it be do u think if the Tate Gallery bought yer first exhibited work? Most ppl these days would go straight out & get a cocaine habit once they got established like that but she had the strength o character to just keep doing brilliant sculptures thereafter for the rest o her life.
(Sadly this type o thing could never happen to anybloody in sydney since the AGNSW never ever buys any sculpture.
But hell if it saves just 1 child-like art student....)
Sunday, February 7, 2010
Sunday evening
The head was stuck on alright, i patched the cracks, strengthened it, haired it, tarted it all up real nice all over, making accents with the great new flexible plastering blade with teeth. Its a bit of extra texture on this one, a little more than usual. Its way cool how you can spend months building up all the forms & chunks & then in one day bring them all together with a bit of drawing on the surface. Its almost a "Doh" moment. Ah, its finished-looking now. Sweet!
i think it helped a lot that i took last weekend off. I must remember that.. you get your strength back & a fresher outlook. You can be objective about what needs doing then & just do it. Work life balance bleat bleat.
Lately I been all inspired by a pair of 2 minute podcasts about Elizabeth Frink. She used to do direct plaster too. She was real big on rough texture. The podcasts say she used to turn bright lights on her sculpture at night & move em round to see the textures well. She hacked at em with chisels & rasps. I bet she'd go off if she had some of the power tools i got. I met her many yrs ago, when i was a bright young unformed fart student - she was havin a show at David Jones in town & she rung the art schools to make sure there were some students there so it wouldn't be too stuck up. She wore a gold lame shirt i remember, looked like a bloody big glomesh handbag material shirt, which was lke real smart cos it meant *everybody* knew who the artist of the evening was. She weren't gonna get lost in the crowd. She said hello to me :) And now i'm older i know what i would have said to her, but she's been dead a while now, so.. but you get that. There were some real nice works there particularly some horses that even then inspired me & there were a couple of huge bronze heads which i never really liked a whole lot, but lookin back, bloody hell - what a massive job! To make and to cast, and to carry upstairs into David Jones.
Saturday, February 6, 2010
September bekons
Decided to have a show in September at this little gallery who asked me. Its cool there are no strings attached. They'll earn a nice chunk if some get sold & i'll have fun. We negotiated that i can take my expenses off before the commission gets taken, which is right nice eh. Had some choices of date, decided sept rather than june cos its really too much to do it for june, sadly. Gonna be making some Awesome work intend it to be the best i ever did & bigger ones. I got 2 windows to put nice big tall ones in & then you need a couple of nice big/medium sized flatter ones inside & the rest can be smaller but still incredibly spectacular. LOL. Well if you start ambitious u can scale down later, i always do... :P
Anyway its all very exciting. Been doing lots of drawing.
Today i was back on the big man to finish it this weekend. Its had a date extension of about 3 months, they would rather everybody agree & be happy than just run it thru on time, which is real good. Today i detailed the clothes with a cutting blade on the grinder & a cool new flexible plaster slathering blade with teeth, & cut off his head to put a tweak in his neck so his heads a bit crookeder. By golly the bastard head was on there good, it took me over an hour just to dislodge the thing. I remembered then that i'd stuck a steel square tube up to keep it on. Ah yes that is hard to remove... I did the usual hold the head in place while the plaster sets business. Its a bit gruelling on a miserable rainy day i was gettin wet & pushin hard on his forehead just so for like 20 or 30 mins waiting for the plaster to set. Then it didn't work... i ended up doing this 3 bloody times it damn near kilt me. By the end i'd got my second wind tho & if not for a sudden spasm of "had enough" pain thru my arm i woulda been orright but then i gave it away for a bit cos i need that arm. It did set in the end with just a 2mm droop crack & i'll see if thats a real crack tomorrow when i pull on it, but for now i leave that thing. its still on the metal tube so hopefully it won't fall off.
Friday, January 29, 2010
Bad news good news
It used to be a fun place to work, and i'm glad i saw that for a while, cos you don't see that much. I mean you can have fun with your fellow peons in a lot of jobs sort of in spite of things, like in most jobs where your boss sucks, but here even the managers used to be great. Wow respect from a manager as if you were a real person. Awesome concept. Now we have ghost whispy jobsworth bosses, n workers trying like rudderless boats to row thru the morass that is their lot since they changed everything. You can tell the people who are still trying by the wide eyed desperate look they have.
One a positive note i was havin a chatter up the closest possible gallery to work yesterday at lunchtime, buying some tools actually, started chattin, anyway to cut a along story short they have offered me a show. Nice eh. Kinda exciting really. Anyway i need to revisit them for a proper discussion with all sorts of numbers 'n that in it, so if that sux then it could all come to naught, but on the other hand it could be a wonderful opportunity. Could even do some abstract kinda work now, cos they often show ceramics, so their clientele is used to the materials being as loud as the form, so ta speak. They also like figurative work there cos seen a lot of it in their past shows.
Anyway its worth a chat next week when i got a lunchtime to walk back up there. It is funny though i have a history of getting a gallery thats across the road from whatever job i have at the time etc there must be some explanation for it but whatever it is, its bloody convenient anyway.
Regards the current life sized man, well they are seeing theres issues & the date for delivery is put way into the future now, June or summink. This is both good n bad, i sure as f*** don't want it hangin round that long, but of course its already too late for it to get installed by march so its just as well innit.
They came over today, well some of em, cos they got stuck in traffic & it was all a bit crap really & only some of em made it at all & some had to leave before the others arrived & so the full discussion i need from everybody i still hain't got, but they did all try very hard & we will have to all try again next week too... But anyway the few ppl who did chat about it were v positive & the prob is not with my sculpture it is rather with ppl's expectations & they all got to get to discussin them & agreeing with each other & then telling me what they really really want & then i can just do it eh.
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Me n a Prius
I was first trying to gain access to the 2 labs i had failed to gain access to the day before. This was pretty stupid waste of time but this what happens when someone goes on leave & u get to come to actual grips with the rotting corpse u have been handed, & that bagful of loose keys u grabbed from their desk drawer don't save your ass at all. Anyway after some serious emailing i got some pin code for a lab & finally (not easily at all, but i don't wanna bore u too bad) got in to discover - one pc & no working network whatsoever. The really great bit was that there was a back door... that was unlocked... that i had actually walked into yesterday, but it'd been really dark in there yesty & i had sorta barely seen thru the darkness that there were empty desks, with some comms cabinets LEDs flickering up the back, so why would it enter my mind this was a lab... I would say a solid 4 hrs work (and walk) over 2 days got me into this unlocked unlab. Priceless.
I found a person who knew vaguely about this lab, and she told me the real person was on holidays, but she went looking for the pc's. I didn't really want her to go looking for the pc's, cos i wasn't gonna do anything with them anyways, i just wanted her to produce the key to the other lab i needed. I did say this, a few times, but we traipsed across the faculty & got to a building with a sign on the door, Bees have escaped into this building, do not enter for 48 hrs. She let me stay outside. She came out, no, there's no computers in there. Good thing too - what was i gonna do with em.. prolly full a bees.
After various detours she got the key. Finally got into that 2nd lab - i wasn't bloody going to quit before i got in there. My goal for today was to kick these 2 labs in the guts. Success. Sorta. I did get in, but kicking guts was problematic. Anyway the bees, the prius & the pinpad non-lab were the highlights of my week, and all happened on the same day!
Monday, January 18, 2010
Anyway if i had my druthers i'd have a week off then take a long look as if it were fresh n new & then modify & then another week off etc. Perfect world that would be but we don't live there, & here is always deadlines.
Work is arse. But i'm getting fitter walking many miles to different labs. i now have an offsider to suffer along with me. Not sure why.
Saturday, January 16, 2010
Today I rung the dude with the results of the commissioners' viewpoint from the other day & told him he needs to look 17 in this sculpture. He was less than impressed for some reason even though i said it very tactfully i think, i left a lot out. But hell i have never been tactful so maybe someone else may have said it better. He was also coming back to the shoulder business. He been thinking it needs to have shoulder-head situation "rising up" kinda thing. He was pretty sure about this before, tho he seemed to be happy enough with the changes i made earlier, but he's decided not, now. I can't really see it in the photos like he sees it. To me it looks like a trick of perspective in the picture, and it comes from the legs more than the shoulders really... but thats just what think i see, cos i don't really understand it. Anyway today i was stumped again cos he seems to really want this. And most of the main changes he's wanted have been positive & improved it heaps. So anyway i went all 'lateral thinkin' on it's ass, & decided to lift the thing at the front by the base & place it on my 2 Wood Blocks. Bobs yer uncle its all different now, it rises outta the ground more. I set to levelling out the base, & cut off the back foot & put a bend n the back leg & when i get that sorted out proper she'll be right. It will be more powerful like this. I am happy i feel some Progress in positive direction. Even tho this will take some time, it will be better so its worth it.
Still working on the face too tho so we'll see. Gotta get it done tomorrow - another viewing is tuesday.
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Verdict: Fail
I went & had a coffee when i couldn't stand another moment. I went to the new building where they had a cafe. There was the usual windtunnel effect u get in new buildings & the furniture was moving past me as i sat there holding down my macaroon & cappachino. The girl come out & put it all back but it was scraping back along on the concrete before she got back in the door. It was pretty funny really but i was too stressed. Sadly the coffee made me more stressed & i went back into the lab feelin worse than when i left, which is unusual. That was a long long morning then.
I was worryin cos the commissioners were coming this arvo. They kept slipping the time earlier by 15 mins each time they confirmed it so that i was stressing out that i wouldn't even get home before they did. Anyway i did, at 80kmh, 5 mins to spare...
Verdict... they said he looks too old. They want him young like 17 or so. I thought i'd took at least 50 yrs off him but there u go. Studying the old feller was maybe the last thing i shoulda ever done. They said they'd rather i'd not met him til after i finished it! Well thats debatable cos i reckon u can always learn *something* from meeting yer subject. But well yeah it has sure caused me LOADS of problems. But i dunno if i'd do it different next time.
So i'll be working thru my birthday. Not happy cat.
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Sign of the time
I stuck his head on tonight. I finished it in darkess, so let's see how scary it is tomorrow. Its my birthday on the weekend but i guess i'll be working thru it. Damn it. This is really starting to wear on me. I'm getting sick again, today at work i went & laid on the desks in the room next door, where the windows server guys used to work, its dark & empty there now. So i had a nap at lunchtime. Its kinda good in a way, cos sometimes u need a nap for lunch & we never had a place to go do that before, not that was inside. Every sharp edge has a silver line then, or what. I was gifted (after a little prompting) with a lovely device from there, it is a ridiculously long power board with about 20 or more sockets on it. Its off a server chassis & it bloody funny. There are a couple under the desks there. There is such a thing as a server geek joke you can hold in your hand :)
Monday, January 11, 2010
Still intrigued
I'm not bagging him... i can see from that how its sposed to be, you know. Simple truths are the real ones, usually. And whats more simple than making things/being a sculptor. It should be a fantastically less difficult thing than i'm making it into, thats for sure. ;)
New years resolution #2: make it easier.
I wonder what beach had those pebbles?
Sunday, January 10, 2010
The dude came yesterday & he still didn't see himself in there. Which is cool, cos i didn't think he was there either. But today i sat down & worked for 6 hrs straight on a new clay head & i finally got the bastard. Instead of studying the dude's head as it is now, like i been doing, which is not working at all, i took all the studying i done of his current head & used a 50 yr old photo. so it was a mix of what shape his skull is in reality & what he looked like back in the day. Basically: remove a lot of Character. Young blokes are pretty, but, well, not the same amount of sculpting excitement, not so much hollows & creases eh.
I applied rubber mould to it & in the darkness this evening just before Bones started on TV i finished the plaster mothermould. So should be able to pop out a plaster tomorrow after work & then cut off his old head with an angle grinder & apply the new one maybe the next evening. Then we have visit from the commissioners the afternoon after. So not a moment too soon by golly.
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
Sunday, January 3, 2010
I spent last couple of days working on this dude's head & it is slowly getting there. Shwaya shwaya as the egyptians say, slowly slowly. It will come. Hopefully. I fobbed off the commissioners an extra week & so i reckon i get one more weekend & then what i have is what u get. The head is looking loads better. I had to let go of some parts & imagine others. It now has a youthful determined look. I have to take 50 years off the real dude but i do take his point that he couldn't quite see himself in there yet. Think i have improved it plenty since but. I think his is the most difficult head i ever seen. Deceptively simple as they say in the real estate ads. Anyway I give it til saturday to invite him back. That gives me wiggle room with my flu. Today was a write off for example. Tomorrow, sadly, terribly, is back to work. Luckily i'm pretty sick i might have a sickie since i doubt i will be productive & i certainly can't walk half an hour distance to press a button in a lab which is part of my duties at the moment.
It does kinda stump me how this likeness stuff gets *harder* with practice. I sure hope in the end it all adds up to some skill set or something. Can't see it now but. One point can be stressed is its easier to do dead guys. LOL. They don't care as much :)
Saw Avatar in 3d friday night. That was cos i couldn't face the fact i done nothing but work all the hols. Gee what a great treat it was. I love this digital projector stuff too - the first time in history that projected movies are in FOCUS! Hooray & bring out the champers.
Been a couple sad things happen in the sculpturin world lately but both of em too new to talk about. Sober u up though. Gird them loins for one & RIP the other.