The new bloke had a good day. They work like that, u will have a crap day or 20 & despair that u ever gonna get anywhere, then if you're lucky you get a good day where u get the feller looking like a feller. Thanks goodness.
I did this one different to usual, i used about 8 cans of expanding foam to build up a figure on an armature. I made the steel armature based on the little twiggy figure i made out of kebab stix, then i liquid nailed some polystyrene sheet pieces on to fatten it up a bit & give something for the expanding foam to stick onto. Then i built him out of puffy foam. Cool huh. I can't make dust in the studio so i set to make him out of foam, then. 99% foam with a thin coating of something on top. I seem to have gone with plaster for the thin coating & i'm happy with that.
I thought the foam might be a bit expensive to blow thru, but its 15 bucks a can & i'm sure i go thru at least 7 bags of plaster per figure at about 17 a bag... hmm yeah so well it is more expensive maybe, if i use the spare can i still got... but its much EASIER to use, OK... saves loads of time too. Just got to be patient enough to get it all carved & sorted out dead right before adding the skin of plaster, else the skin of plaster is gonna be inches thick & you'll have to cut bits off etc, & all in all, a pain in the butt.
Reckon i had a pile of puffy offcuts about the size of a shetland pony on the ground & that classily & transparently segways into the next sculpture which will be a horse made out of puffy foam. Yes i really like puffy foam. Well i did, till some bloody studio denizen tell me its horrifically toxic. Blah. Its not affected me yet 'tall.
Ages ago anyway Barnes had it in tins A & B - like paint - to mix yourself. It's easy enough to mix and heaps cheaper...
ReplyDeleteI got some to try out, but its not the *same*... its hard & crusty. I guess thats good for some purposes but i kinda like the flexible semi-soft puffiness of the spray stuff. I don't think the price is that much different in the end per square foot...