Have kinda lost track of things a bit. I know time is passing, cos it is, but it seems to be moving both fast and slow at the same time. Deadline is fast approaching, yet i seem to be spending many hours in the studio. I guess those two are not mutually exclusive. But there seems to be a lot of time packed into this deadline. Not that i feel like i got enough, but rather i'm fitting a lot in, u might say. Still know what day it is though - every day. Which in itself is unusual.
I tackled the head the other day. Sunday. Out of quite a long day I think i was standing there about 6 hours straight just flogging at this clay head. It didn't want to do anything useful for me but i beat it into submission by sheer force of will. If you put in the hours, many of em, it must get there. I had a sore left leg all night so i guess i had a left leaning sorta day. LOL. Otherwise it was unpolitical.
Days pass slower too when u live alone. I like it, but maybe just cos i'm not at home much, and if i was home all evening i might get depressed. But if that were the case then i'd go to the studio & make something, wouldn't i. Like i'm doing now. Or i'd sit about getting depressed. Nah i'd like to think i'd go to the studio. I think everybody should have a studio.
I would like to do more heads. Would like to get a model, but only if i can get one who'd be unoffended by my failure to make it look much like them. Though if they could sit there 6 hrs, maybe it might get there. I'd have to drug them i guess. There's a guy at work with a fantastic head, and he quite likes my sculptures, so maybe he'd be willing, but i should practice first before i ask him, cos i don't wanna waste that great head by maybe doing a substandard job. Gee listen to me. LOL i think i have a problem, Houston, my brain is stranded out there in the art nebula.
Speaking of f***ed up interpersonal relations.. not that we were.. i thought i'd ask this dude at work out for coffee.. i didn't have any ulterior motive particularly except that he does interesting things out of work time so i thought he might be good to get to know a bit better. I love to find people who have a life, u know. Cos u can always learn something from a fanatic ha ha. Anyway i think i scared him off. He's gone all weird. Damn shame, guess i mucked that up. It shouldn't have been that big a deal. I guess i creeped him out. Or something. I dunno. Maybe its the politics. I don't have any, but other people might. Think too much, not good for anybody.
Been downloading old Life episodes, season 2, of which i never caught any episodes. 'They probably never showed it here' would be a cynical thing to say. Weird zen dude with a past solves murders. They got to have an angle these days, simple alcoholic self hatred doesn't cut it for a detective anymore. I watch an episode whenever i need a lunchbreak in the studio. Having OSX on the little Dell min 10v is awesome. Its better than Win Xp in so many ways, but one important one is that the sound can crank to at least double the volume it used to, so i can actually hear the show even in a noisy studio environ :)
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