Mucked around today, 8.30-11am spent in cafes. Bit long but i won't do it again for a while.
Went home & found my bit of wood. Its the right thickness exactly & width perfect but a bit short in the tallness direction. However in my twisted mind i think i have a cunning plan & i'm pretty happy with it.
Waited round all afternoon for a call from someone who said they would meet up, & made sure i would be available to get to the studio in the arvo, but the call never came. If i had a dollar for every time wasting that has been visited upon me i could buy a decent studio but if i had an hour back for each thats been wasted i would live to 120.
Well you get that if you deal with humans. Perhaps it comes from humans being able to contemplate the future, which they reckon animals can't do. Humans contemplate the future, put you in it, and leave you there cos in actual fact, a lot of humans, perhaps because they are not that damn advanced from said animals really, CAN'T contemplate the future very WELL.
On ebay there's a film camera just like dad's broken one, current bid .99c, so after i snipe that at 6.30 i'm off to the studio for an evening of bookshelf making & pizza.
Diet pizza as i'm now on a diet, day 3.
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