Sunday, November 29, 2009

Last day of bludging

Today's my last day o free. Back to work tomorrow. De blog will become redundant & the journey is finish baby. Today i will attempt to ready myself for work again. That means breaking out the motorbike, oiling various bits of it, polishing the corrosion off it, getting depressed about the shape its in & maybe charging the battery & trying to kick it over. The ol tin of "Start Ya Bastard" will be necessary. Then finding enough clean clothes for 5 whole days in a row, buying sliced bread for sambos & all that tedious shite that is the white fellas burden.

People r saying i can 'make my own' job there. Like figure something & run with it. I would say hey yeah i will be the sculptor then. But sadly it doesn't work that way. Its got to be something related to real work LOL. Narrow boundaries narrow vision narrow choices. If i cannae be sculptor then i have to admit i don't care enough about it to make my own job. Hard to find the inspiration to give a sh*t really. Gawd - i hope my attitude improves. I hear we are all "team spirit" etc with the new young boss. Bring one thing u been working on to talk about in our monthly meeting. Bleah. 20 people each talking about something u couldn't care less about its a little xtra torture. Work. There's a reason they have to pay you to do it.


  1. the blog doesnt have to stop. you'll still be doing stuff other than work...

    and are you coming to my festival ( this Jan? if not, you should be. its about as far away from the World of Work as you can possibly get.

  2. Sadly i'm mostly doing work. But i can moan like a cow stuck in a bog about that.

    I can't make the festival, unfortunately, unless some miracle occurs to cause the current life sized man to magically finish itself by then.
