Monday, November 16, 2009

A day in the inland sth

Monday i was took on a lovely warm tour of the southern highlands round picton & thirlmere & douglas park & buxton & i forget the name of the actual target town, starts with a C. Anyway i'm left with visions of hundreds of tall skinny trees & crunchy walking. Twas mighty hot out there, tho Camden beat it heatwise on the way back. Farkin ell. I was spared tho from the drivin duties cos I was couriered in style in Ash's little british racin green touring car. Its lovely to get out & see some cows & goats n check out the hi life of picton, with shops but almost no people. I could live with this lack o traffic.

Then over the past few daze been moving slowly into the studio. Its twice the size, and has awesome doors from the film set of Underbelly which was being shot across the rd & this mob acquired a bunch of doors, just before the building was demolished. Its an area where they knock down factories & put up yuppy blocks of flats. I have a suss the studios won't last long. Hope they took a decent lease.

The life sized man is a bit stifled. I been trying to do the face. I haven't met the guy properly yet & have stuff all photos. Its not surprising that its not going so well eh.

Have practically decided to go back to work FT. The part time work they offered is like pretty crap. I mean its nice they offered but i think (and everybody who i talk about it with) that i'm throwing too much away. I'm losing loads of good conditions like taking my lunch whenever i like, being respected, and a few pay levels. I tend to try to look at it as if i am getting "what i want" rather than losing something. But maybe thats the wrong way to look. How on earth would i ever get a job as good as that again, and it took me a while to get there, even tho it all happened sorta by accident. And like ppl keep saying, its your job, don't throw it away just to be good to the team. Well yes i see that point. I think i can count on the fingers of my arse how many ppl "put the team first" when considering their job (i.e. none, in case yr wondering about my arse).

Working FT tho, there is a lot more opportunity to get something different from inside. I can always quit later, anyway. I hope i can handle FT again, thats all. I'm tired now :) let alone going to work gettin up at 6am. I'm not a real sleep-inner tho i get up naturally at 6.30. Still it can be hard leapin up & running at that time o day. I usually lounge about drinking coffee.

Got my welder back after 2 weeks & a new circuit board. $240 later. But coulda been worse, i've heard of boards in big welders worth many grand. That was when i was learning to weld. Art students were always resting coffees on the welders. One spilled down the back of the machine & ZAP its a new board. The new welders are smaller & cheaper, thanks goodness.


  1. I got a newie in arncliffe. its a bit of an armpit, in an armpit area, but the room is twice the size, private & lock up. Also loads of new people to meet there. Gonna be good, if i get any time to actually work there :)
