Late start due to sleeping over the parents' & it being junk day i had to do some cleaning up about the place. Picked up some cool junk though.
On the way to the studio i let a pizza scooter in front of me. I like to take care of scooter riders cos they a bit easily damaged. Anyway this guy went straight ahead at the next right turn & was totally collected by the car beside him & splayed off down the road in front of me. Leapt up he was OK but a bit worried he would lose his student visa if the cops were called. Anyway he was OK & enough witnesses so i left. So i probably shouldn't have let him in, eh. Who knows, maybe he would have hit me instead. That probably would have been cheaper for him though cos of what a bomb i drive. Oh well how can u read the future.. what would be the best even if you could read it. My car is a lot harder than modern ones, he mght have got hurt more.
Studio.. set to on removing the glued on foam on the legs... that was a brutal & not very satisfying experience though it come off like a jigsaw & should fit mostly back on again.
Then I welded a cross piece for a hip type situation & promptly set fire to the torso of foam. I was kind of expecting it, to be honest, tho i didn't quite know what speed styrofoam went up at. I'd cleared a route to push it out the back roller door into the street & let it fizzle away to nothing, or if it wasn't that bad I also had a bucket of water nearby. The one thing i didn't quite expect was that using the magic helmet, when there is a bright light in front of me the visor stays dark. Thus i stood there after welding for some seconds in complete darkness until i realised it actually MUST be on fire, or i'd be able to SEE it. Hmm logic.. Anyway a few cups of water or 10 put it out & we were good to continue on, though its melted a love handle right off the poor bugger. For the next weld i got a bit of plywood offcut for shielding & that went fine.
Then i thought to myself how i was welding on a wet floor in holey sneakers & setting fire to stuff & i was alone in the place. Those printmakers wouldn't like it if i burned all their papers; though i can't really see any great loss there myself... they're prints right? they can just print em again... but tripping over my corpse tomorrow morning was probably not good for em & would be tedious & a bit of an anti-climax for me. I went & sat down for some rice crackers & cashews lunch & read an Art in Australia from 2000 for a while so the floor could dry out.
I've put the leg armatures a lot closer together & maybe they're too close now. I find this stuff very hard to work out, but keep trying is the only solution.
Late in he evening went to Talldave's as he is about to leave for round the world bicycle trip with his GF Gaby. I will miss them a lot. He gave me some useful sculpture stuff like measuring calipers, an industrial fan, a leather apron & some moulding rubber. And a bagful of wax :) Yum.
Now its late, and the cats are bored again.
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