OK so i have big plans for the next 2 days. Since again today not much got done.
I spent an hr or 2 calculating the steel i needed, and calculating body parts & how far out i was in my work when compared to photos. Then i went & got some steel. While waiting for it to get cut up i started a chat with a car dude, i realised he was a car dude cos his outfit matched the flash paintjob on a riced ute outside. He'd left his lights on so there u go immediate opportunity to break the tedium of standing there staring at nothing by tellin him he left his lights on eh. And i found out his car had an s20 engine in it & i exposed my complete ignorance of those kinds of japanese utes.
So then when my steel was ready the steel guy sez hey you wanna back your car in so i went to do that. And hey as soon as i chucked it in reverse my car was runnin like poo. I backed it in to the place going Putt Putt Putt & obviously not too good. After having chatted car stuff i guess if i had any shame i would have been embarrassed about it all. Not to mention the missing bodywork off the back that flew away in the airport tunnel the other week.
So then i drove this malfunctioning POS toward home & popped it into a car repair. They worked out it was the coil. OK i walked home from there.
So i got some steel and some exercise, and those things cost me total 500 bucks.
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