Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Today is dust day

Today started bright red, dust storm across the town. I had organised to meet some work ppl for brekkie at carriagwks & so with some small foreboding i drove there. I went extra early, in case the traffic was bad, cos visibility was pretty poor. I got there in like 10 minutes... I was an hour early. There was NO traffic whatsoever & i got every green light i never even managed to get any of the organising done that i usually do at traffic lights. Hm. so i went & took some photos round there of the Conditions. Then i called people & we had brekky. My old boss is going to ask around if there is any PT work available for me. My old job needs FT but she will just ask EVERYBODY. How awesome is that :) Not even just IT but anything. Man, you couldn't get a better place to work.

Then i went to studio & flogged myself to work work work. I made 3 soldiers sneaking thru the jungle. Then i made 1 soldier up a tree looking thru binoculars. I need some moulding rubber, eventually i ran out of space to make things & next step is to start moulding so i can make space to make more. I am using my trolley based work surface & it is absolutely brilliant, its exactly at the right height for working while standing & i can turn it easily on its wheels. Its long enough to do 2 sculptures on. I would go so far as to say these excellent new trolleys are the next "milk crate" in terms of how damn functional they are. They do take up space & u need a flat surface to roll them on but i reckon in terms of actual usability they are superb.

The whole point of makin these sculptures is to take them as maquettes on monday for the presentation. So even if i think they are kinda ok but fairly useless i still got to mould them & make copies that will last the travel distance. So tomorrow i go shoppin 4 rubber.

The dust smell was everywhere even after mostly it had blown away by the arvo. I was a bit thinking about my asthma all day, cos they were talking on the radio about staying home inside with the windows shut etc. But luckily the studio is amazingly airtight for a rattly old tin shed & inside i hardly smelled dust. i didn't have no trouble till the evening when i got home & i suddenly couldn't breathe much at all & i was feelin a bit misery. But then i realised my puffer didn't have the extra notch that they got this year on the packaging & checked & the damn thing was an old expired one from 2006. Hell nose where my good ones were cos i don't even remember when i used em last. So i borrowed a real one off mum & that improved me.

Yesterday--- an amazing device arriveth in the maileth. My sister, under strict instructions to call me if i get the sculpture book i'm expecting, rings me. She sez u got a parcel; its from san franscisco. I sez, i thought it was comin from Perth. I sez how big is it. She sez its small. I sez, so is it thick? How thick is it? Thinkin a small sculpture book *might* be OK but at least it should have a few pages. No its thin, real thin she says. I am flummoxxed. Should i open it, she says? I says well yes, cos i have tremendous curiosity & this will make me come home early from the studio cos i will be unable to think of anything else even if it end up being some stupid shite advert from Dell or summink.

So she opened it. She says, its a cd. I says from who? she tells me & its nobody i's ever heard of. Hmm i says.

Later i get home & discover it is an extraordinary device wired into a cd case (with a cd of music) ... you can PLAY the box, its an electronic musical instrument!!! So i guesses who might have sent me that & i'm waitin to see if i'm right!!!


  1. yay you got it!

    now you can whip it out and therminise your way bliss whenever xa feel like it! tee hee hee! :);):) happy cathday, cath.

  2. It WAS you!!! Thanks luv its a monumental present!!! Happy cathday LOL
