Friday, May 29, 2009

A bit off the side

So its been a few days since i felt like writing, things been a bit busy, dad went orf to horspital & now he's back lookin loads better. He had pneumonia or something. Its so hard to find out cos nobody tells you nothing, they just did a raft of testings & hole pokings & drained him almost completely of blood & replaced that with IV solutions & drugs. Anyway it seems to have improved him so there u go. Grease & oil change perhaps.

Finally got a day in th studio today, dunno if i progressed much but i finished putting up the curtains anyhow, for to stop people seeing the subject of the sculpture. I've snatched an hr here & there over the past few days in the studio & to tell the truth it feels like months have passed this week, but they haven't, it just seemed long, and i probably didn't even miss that much time in the studio anyways. I also been taking care of the ravenous cats in the share house, who were as starved for affection as they thought they were for food. No idea why they ate like they hadn't had a cat snap pass their lips in weeks when i fed em. Maybe cos its becoming winter. Or it could be they got an appetite after having the runs all over the laundry (thanks cats - i will now NEVER own a cat, i was pretty sure before, but that experience cinches it). One of them forced me, literally forced me, to play with him for half an hour the other night cos he just had to have some play with a human. When he gets like that he usually bite & scratch me plenty. In a loving way, but by that time of night i'm not partial to sudden stabby pain like when a max warp cat stalks & attacks your legs. I used my dangly clangy belt as a prothesis for the cat to bite at & escaped without scars. Anyway housemate got back yesty so Phew.

Anyways been working on the old life sizer. Have started on a different tack this time, i decided to work in a way as to block out one section at a time rather than work over the entire thing as a whole. Like Trousers, Shirt, etc. Wisdom is, you're not sposed to finish any one section, working as a whole is best. But I'm trying this way cos i have a feeling i get to this eventually anyway. You need to have some section fully blocked before you know exactly where to put the next. But i guess i'm not "finishing" anything in the way them old sculpting books actually mean that you should never do. Eh, lets try it.

As i noted before, sitting back across the room on a milk crate with a beer in my hand i picked out some major errors to fix. I really should do this every evening. Trouble is by the time i'm sitting there, i'm tired, so instead of having a beer i'd rather go home & have a cup of tea. What i really need is a friend to drop by & have a beer with me, thus forcing me to do the right thing.

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