Sittin in the shop window of the studio. its teemin down outside & i've turned the big armchair round so i can watch the traffic flushing down the rd outside. its a busy rd even on a public holiday in the rain. Its been a lovely quiet day here apart from the bloody airplanes. But they are nothing compared to the noisy bastards next door & yay they got the day off.
i been here all day. i did another footy player same as before but this time reversed. i tried to do him different posed, but he keeps going back to the same one & maybe this is how he is just gonna be. anyway he looks ok, mirror image of the first. Then i went to work on the sausage dog. he is easily damaged but i feel like i can break him & bring him back. Meh - u can still ruin it though and in that overconfident moment i always used to crash the motorbike. So, to not tempt fate i've coated him in a plaster waste mould & tomorrow i can make another, & see what i get again. I guess you could just keep modifying one relief over n over this way. Cool.
There was some relief that Matisse kept doing over n over, the back of a woman. He was a very serious dude, i don't think he would do sausage dogs. But its a natural way to work i reckon i've stumbled upon eh. Could get out a number of modified reliefs in a row & see a real progression quickly. Think i'll have to do that.
Been a good day been all alone. watched every episode of New Amsterdam all 8 of em. I dunno where series 2 would have gone, they canned it apparently after 1 series, but this was good. Sometimes they ruin it by doing it again for series 2 etc. I think maybe they work backwards in tv. They lay it all out a.s.a.p. cos they know they might get canned any moment. Not like doing endless reliefs where u hope u improve each time. And g-d knows where Lost fits in & how it dragged on, but it sure broke our trust in TV... i never watch anything anymore without reading the reviews, in case i get "big fat nothing back" for watching it. But for this show, in a way one season might be enough. And it leaves a bunch of cool existential questions very pertinent to today's ppl. Such as finding ones true love vs having 609 GFs which is something lot of today's blokes aspire to - well they aspire to both & this is the hard choice. Which one of the 609+ do u stop at? And does 609 GFs make u feel immortal? Heh. A jolly good show.
Major skill: know crap when u see it,
i guess thats step 1.
If u see when yr own work is crap n when OP's work is crap then u got a great chance of not making crap yourself. Yes i've got a certain repeating sculptor in mind but i won't diss anybody by droppin a name... some ppl fall in love with the technical side of it all & forget the point.. actually with that comment a bunch more sculptors popped into my head. Breathe it out...
Eh, i feel like an old codger .. i guess a rainy afternoon can do that to ya. That and a full day of wrestling with death, immortality, murder, love, time travel, old age, supernature, loss, deception & redemption a.k.a. that tv show. Gosh heavy themes. That TV show makes me see my petty little reality issues are nothin compared to the big issues of all them age old concepts that run round on the weeny screen. Feelin good though, if a little unresolved sculpturally speaking.
Also watched an episode of Nurse Jackie on the laptop, which i since heard is on normal telly. An imperfect nurse who does her best while being a wee bit fast n loose, i loved it when she flushed that guys ear down the toilet.. he didn't deserve to get it back, in fact he deserved to have his scrotum sewed on where his ear used to be. i guess u could only go that far as Surgeon Jackie.
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