Thursday, October 22, 2009


Hey its Halloween & Aldi are right into it. I got a load of gummi eyeballs, body parts, 5 inch long black & yellow centipedes that are more real than reality could ever be, & some choc eyeballs too. The body parts are cool there are bloody ended fingers, noses, even more eyeballs, & a full set of teeth inc vampire fangs with blood drips on them. My word - gummi technology is awesome. Also got some rats. All this is not great for one on a diet but since i don't like gummi that much i should be able to ration it out by posting some of it off to various family OS. Just family who can cope with it though.

Am taking it easy on the new big sculpture. I'm deciding to be less judgemental right now & do the cut & shut renovations later if a leg is too long or something. It will come together i have decided & i deliberately left it today while i was in mid work so tomorrow i will get a fabulous start. it is a great thing to leave on a high when u are feeling in control & in mid swing. I guess something could come along to spoil it before tomorrow but fingers crossed.

Speaking of things that spoil it tho the muffler just fell orf the old car today. Just the end bit. Just enough i got to go throw more money down the toilet... Hopefully not enough to make tomorrow in the studio suck, but i guess i better fix it before the weekend. Weekends are very busy in my family for some reason.

We're having this Open Studio thing in about a week. I won't be able to show my new work of course & i'll have to wrap it in black plastic & it will look bloody silly. People will ask about it & it will take up space, it will put a stick in the spokes of my day, but what can u do, it was never gonna be good timing whenever it was gonna be. I will be takin in some bronzes & piling them over some tables with sheets on em, so they should look pretty cool. My workspace is a brothel of a mess but that may not actually improve by then. Well hell its a work space innit. I will also have a bowl of eyeballs for guests to pick thru cos it will be Halloween!

The sculpture is slowly growing arms & a head. It has an oblong bit of foam for its head. Somehow it has character, i think... but perhaps i watch too many robot movies.

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