Went out house poking today. thats when u go out & poke about hopelessly at overpriced shitheaps & justify your inability to enter the real estate market by slaggin people's dreadful taste in home reno's. Its either an appalling egyptesque grotesquerie or an unreno'd dung heap complete with tenants dishes filling the kitchen sink. Re the egyptesque place, well i been to egypt i know how they fix up houses there.. this was so egyptian it cried out. Exposed wiring everywhere & tiled within an inch of its life. The lower level had 9 ceiling roses in total. 6 in the shop front were all the same kind which is fair enough but the 3 in the living quarters were each different & the paint they used to accent all the mouldings & window sills etc was a kind of puke formless army green, which my sis said is similar to what is trendy at the moment.... similar. The bathroom tap knobs were awesome i think u could read yr future in each one like crystal balls. Beaut things. The most beaut rainbow mother of pearl crystal one was hanging out 3 inches, but after i cut myself on the fireplace i turned that on to washed the cut so it still works. They had removed some structural thingys from the rooms & replaced them with glossy thin round pillars that went to Square blocks & thence up to a filletted curvy V shape & it was pretty bad with the puke green ceiling roses above that. In some ways perhaps painful to look at is a description. Still we liked it a lot, generally. Just need a load a small changes... and a builders inspection cos i know how egyptians build & if they removed structural things its a bit worrying. I'm not being rude - any egyptian will agree.
Then we saw a fixer-upper in marrickville. Well actually it was a knocker-downer or better yet nuke-it-from-space-to-be-sure-r & it even had Enter At Own Risk in big red letters on the front door. Our the back were a couple of happy ladies who had obviously decided to rescue it but as i said to my sis, grandpop would knock it down rather than fix it. Its the kind of house grandpop would have built, but i reckon he would take a 1.5 second look & say this place is done for.
Speakin of cuts we just received a gross-out email with 2 pics of my cousin's foot, this arvo it happened, he chucked his fishing knife at the ground but neglected to move his foot first. Load of blood very impressive. The 2nd photo shows just the cut with the blood washed off & its not too bad tho must be deep. If i were a person who beleived in anything i would find it most funny that the exact spot where his foot got hit by knife is exactly where my foot hurts. It radiates outward from that exact point. Coincidence. Funny though. Hmm. So, like, universe... very funny.... Can my foot get BETTER now then???
I SMSd him he was nodding off in the hospital waiting his turn. He filmed them sewing it up, on his phone. He has a great pain threshold. Lucky.
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