To one accustomed to watching ripped movies, watching a Real DVD is like hitting yourself over the head with a hammer repeatedly. We borrowed a few from the local video dump out of desperation & the one we're attempting to start watching is a disney one with some kinda Magic View or simlar. Which means you can't watch it on a PC at all & it runs u thru a whole raft of crapola in some automagical fashion, where your "go forward" button just makes it restart the crapola over & over til u contemplate suicide as you watch the same pups in space trailer over n over.
It sorta makes you shake ya head & wonder how come the people who want to sell these things to ya can't work out that all ya want is the movie. You want to flip quickly thru all the FBI warnings cos u know like perhaps you have SEEN THEM BEFORE, & you want the trailers at the END where u can choose to watch em so u can think about what u might like to see next time.
What tends to occur is you sit down with your dinner to watch a flick, happily thinking you're in for a treat, & buggered if you haven't eaten all your dinner by the time the feature actually starts & you wonder why you tried.
Thats my rant, & it all runs thru my head every time i stupidly try to watch a Real DVD. I got a shelf of em & i usually choose to watch a ripped one instead. I guess thats probably illegal.
BTW we didn't mean to borrow that disney film, they just gave us the WRONG FILM in the case. Awesome service... take a bow, Video Sleezy.
P.s review for the accidental flick we got, Race to Witch Mountain: Did the actors get paid in drugs for this? Its the only explanation.
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