Saturday, June 20, 2009

Transparency in the media..

Listening (without watching) the tv news makes the BS stand out like dogs balls. The emotive hype is much more apparent. The hysterical bodings of doom & despair are a massive load of shit shovelled onto us every day by shameless tossers.
It COULD be said to be the end of civilisation. It COULD be a new tide of death. It COULD be a sign that. What an utter load of crap.
The RISING tide of maybe POSSIBLE but IMPENDING death & despair washes the will from ya & depresses the hell into ya. Damn media is a scourge on humanity.
To make up so much crap, I guess there was nothing much actually happening. Ah, nice.

Feeling a bit depressed today.. trying to move house but its pouring frekn rain, like every day lately, & when i go to take something outside it immediately BUCKETS down 5 times as hard. The bastard back door of the wagon cracked down on my head, as it likes to do when it rains & i'm trying to load something heavy in the back & its the most fucked possible moment. Has completely removed any regrets i have about getting another car instead of gambling $1500 on rego.

Sad about moving out, and realising i feel sadder than my housemates who couldn't give a rats. I guess its actually no big deal is it. Feels lke it is tho. Obviously i need to do it more often, move house, then it won't bother me.

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