Lots of things have happened since last post but you have to say things is relative. If i get excited about the fact i walked up the very steep hill without collapsing & all the way to the shops & done the supermarketing this doesn't sound like much worth crowin about but its a rare thing for me esp in the day light hrs when i'm usually killing myself in the studio. Sound pathetic, well it is but i tell u what i don't underestimate the beauty of a cloud in daytime when i see em so seldom, & esp a cloud bathed in sunshine as its been raining for bloody ages.
The life szed dude is coming to that strange stage when every step you take consolidates an area & almost completes it. This means its comin up to deadline. Cos thats when this happens. It comes good. i think i've organised it all into stages now:
1) maquettes
2) measuring the subject & calculating stuff.
3) studying ferociously the photos & drawings & maquettes to get the body form right
4) the portrait - as above but 10 x harder work. you get to either love or hate the subject during this time.
5) 10 minutes before end: finally realise u need to throw away the photos & drawings & use own judgement to complete
somethin like that anyways.
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